Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Celtic Dragon Tattoos Designs

Kate has been planning for a tattoo for a very long time. She was not able to decide on a design for her tattoo. However, she was very specific about the body part, she wanted to get the tattoo made on. One day, when she was browsing the Internet, she came across a rose vine tattoo design made on the ribs. She fell in love with the design and decided to get a rose vine tattoo made. View full post on Tattoo Design

2 komentar:

  1. I forgot to mention, I can be reached at kctjohnson@gmail.com. Thanks!!

  2. Could you please tell me who is the original artist of the 2nd dragon sketch (the black and white one) please? I would like to use the graphic in a video (just a short flash of it on screen) and I'd like to get the permission of the original artist. Thank you!
